Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thing 1 And Thing 2birthday Rhymes

squad Sunday, January 30

Here are invited (if anyone wants to add, there is room!) Thomas Caldon, Umbarto Pagnussato, Andrea Gatto, Marco Testolin, Alberto Ceolin, Colin Tizon, Magon James, Lawrence Sturges, Fais Zaccaria, Davide Boscolo, Andrea Mariotti, Giovanni Di Silvestre, Thomas Zuin, Andrea Bettelli, Enrico Negrin, Francesco Cola, Manuel Whiting, Philip Silvoni, Riccardo Venturini, Sebastian Facci, Philip Buja, Alvise Giantin, Federico Regazzo, Luigi Bordin.

The appointment, as announced, is to the fields of Petrarch, with a concentration Leonorso Valpolicella and Udine.

For the first time this year there is the possibility of the Mass in the chapel of the Centre Jeremiah at 8:30 am. The meeting is convened for 9.00 am


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