Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cancer Survivor Tattoo Wording

Here is the schedule of concentration and tournaments in the coming months:
  • January 30: February 13
  • concentration: concentration
  • 20 February: March 6
  • concentration: concentration
  • 24:13 March: trip to Rome (tournament Capitolina)
  • March 20: Rovigo
  • tournament April 3: Tournament Rubano
  • April 10: Tournament CUS Padova
  • April 17: concentration
  • April 25: trip to France (to be determined) or tournament Valsugana Altichiero
  • May 1: Tournament Bottacin Petrarca
  • 7:08 May: Mickey Mouse tournament Treviso
  • May 22: Udine
  • tournament May 29: Tournament Alpago
can already communicate any dates on which the boys will not be available.


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