Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wording For Wedding Welcome Letters

Gran Canaria Las Palmas 2009 victory M2

After the successful trip to Prague and the trophy Mr. Bologna say, I am happy to also bring up the trophy in the Canary Islands ..

E 'was a short but intense trip culminating in a good performance both in seeds, Chirico-barber is in the final 6-3 6-0 6-3 6-3 mariotti card.

I'm pleased with our performance also because These events come at the very moment of greatest physical loading and fatigue .. Our table includes one game per week and the rest only the business of physical work with the new coach.

We were able to give their best against opponents to the ball a lot more of us and a number of hours of play scary winter

could be one step ahead of the game of M2 is able to create these years .. we try or at least the commitment is there ...

I also played with the Joint Elisabet Catalana Duran and I am proud of our performance despite .. Italian opponents had never met, played to the max and it was a great discovery .. next time sell life dearly ... Gracias Eli

Good Nino Mireles organizer of the event has always been kind to us and created a better atmosphere of healthy sport (difficult these days) .. I thank him and expecting him soon in Italy.

Soon it's off to Miami, this is our next goal as well as a beach tennis finally free from restrictions and stupid people who destroy the development of this wonderful game ..


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