Sunday, December 26, 2010

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Christmas season 2011 calendar year-end and alerts

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all under 12 rugby union and their families!

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We are also completing the final details regarding the trip to Rome in the early days of the new year will be informed of all

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Manu Bubu Good evening, I'm 28 years old and single. A few nights ago in a known location by Lake Garda, I had an 'adventure with the nicest guy in the Lake Garda shore!! Here the problem is this: Unfortunately, now, on my back remained indelible signs of a wire mesh. I do not know if you can help me, I know that my problem is a little special, but I trust in you, help me! How will this summer to put the costume on my back if I still have the diamond of the network? With love


Sunday, December 19, 2010

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best gift they could not find the mountaineers under the Christmas tree. Yes, Elisa Biasi back Alpe 04. After 154 days of absence, the Mayor of Alpine, officially back in office!

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10 ^ DAY MONTEGROTTO ALPO-04 postponed due to snow

postponed until a later date!

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Education: Frusci, Sgiandu, Puffa, Fiasco, Miri, Vee, Baby, Zanetta, Manu Bubu, Faith
Absent: Cavattoni, Blondix, Lucy

The mountaineers hold out well the first time, even going ahead with Baby, but Areasport before the end of the range, can overturn the result, drawing, and then took the lead 2-1.

In the second half, the game becomes more and more uphill for Alpo 04, the guests, in fact, pressed and looking to close the game, which takes place at 7 ° to 17 °, 27 ° and ...... settesimo minutes, 1-6 the result final.

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1-6 SEX AND THE ALPO ... the expert

Dearest star 80, I must say that yours is a serious issue, veeeery seriously! Say it is not easy to recover from this problem, all these counter-movement, these crimes, these balls thrown them 'so'.... hehe big problem my dear! I would not confuse you in the future, the goal post with some other post .. knows his finìdanssato could be offended by this! The advice I can give is to stop with the football, do you tie to a bed by his fidanssato and there remains fincheè not passed this will be his obsession .... You never know who the ...:-)))) take another fad and she understood what ..! Greetings dear starlet 80

The sexologist Manu Bubu

Friday, December 10, 2010

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"Bubu Hello Manu, I am a girl of 30 years, girlfriend of 11 years with a boy of 33 years. Here's my problem is this: I live for my passion of football to 5, and I never stop thinking about it, all the things I do in football is always there. In the morning when I wake up, for example, the first thing I do is apologize, because they always get confused clock with the referee's whistle and I think once you have made a fallacciano. But I find him really kick 5 in all: when I eat when I work, when I go to work when I drive ... and this is very dangerous, because more than once I made a counter-movement, that I put the arrow to the right and then suddenly I went to the left, sticking my neck out.
But the biggest problem are you having problems when I make love with my boyfriend ... I'm very happy here when I think of the most beautiful things in football at 5 and one of these for me is the pattern with the "block" . Unfortunately, this thinking pattern, I just lock and I no longer go on.
I'd like advice on how to overcome this problem.

ps.Per case you were always the expert there was the "mean"?


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opens today the new book "Sex and the ALPO. This space is intended to advise and help all the mountaineers and fans, trying to clarify all the doubts that fill the mind of our girls for that inquiries concerning the sex and everything revolves around us.

A responds to us, will be called an expert in the field, the sexologist Manu Bubu

Send your letters (even anonymous), and the expert will answer.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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squad for Sunday, December 12

's squad for the concentration of next Sunday (1 Team, convening at 9.00 - top black): Luigi Bordin, Leonardo Zamprotta, Sebastian Facci, Thomas Zuin, Philip Silvoni, Andrea Mariotto, Matt Arman, Giovanni Di Silvestre, Caldon Thomas, Philip Gobbi, Riccardo Venturini, Davide Boscolo, Zechariah Fais, Francesco Cola, Lorenzo Sturges, Henry Negrin, Colin Tizon, Magon James, Andrea Gatto, Federico Regazzo Ceolin Alberto Manuel Merlan, Andrea Bettella.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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8 ^ DAY: ALPO 04 - VIS ESTE 2-3

TRAINING: Frusci, Sgiandu, Puffa, Silvia, Zanetta, Baby, Miri, Blonde, Manu Bubu,
Vee ABSENT: Lucy, Faith, Sixteen

And after the first defeat away from home, comes the first defeat of the walls between friends for 3 goals to 2. Bitter defeat, because Alpo closed the first time lead to two goals to zero (to score own goal and Silvia) and failing greedy chances.

In the second half the young Padovani put us head and grit ... and so '... shorter, tie and a few minutes to mark the passing earned under eyes of the mountaineers who seem lost and afraid.

We are mountaineers and accustomed to lift the drilling picks ... now!!

game is done, for birthday celebrations in the locker room the coach ....... the shirt as a gift for special occasions, ie " mjetina of the party and party "...... means our parties!!

Next match Sunday, December 12 at 18:30 at the hall of the Alpe: 04-Areasport Alpo.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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7 ^ DAY: KYDOS VR-04 ALPO 5-0

TRAINING: Frusci, Sgiandu, Silvia, Puffa, Zanetta, Miri, Baby, Vee, Manu Bubu

There is nothing to say, Alpo not received. Consolini mountaineers the airport of Verona, probably looking for a flight to Lisbon (... in fact it will leave from Malpensa and Bologna ????), forgetting the game. Kydos stronger, with more determination and more desire to win.
The Alpo can hold up pretty well the first goal of the hosts, after which it switches off the light and the girls Kydos have a clear run for their big game.

Day to forget.

PS After consulting an expert in fashion styling, we can say that: "Purple is fashion and is well on everything except the balls ...... !!!!!!!!!!"

Next match Sunday, December 5 at the palace of the Alpe, 18:30: Alpo 04 - Vis Este